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Paper ID: 83

Income and Feasibility Analysis of Rice Farming in Sub Watershed Keduang, Wonogori Regency, Central Java

A Setyarini1,2, E S Rahayu1, J Sutrisno1 and S Marwanti1

1Doctoral Program of Agriculture Science,  Graduate School, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia

2Agriculture Faculty, Veteran Bangun Nusantara University, Sukoharjo, 57521, Indonesia


This study aimed to determine the income and feasibility of lowland rice farming in the Keduang Watershed Wonogiri. The location and respondens determination method used in this research was purposive sampling. The number of respondent farmers taken in this study was 90 respondents from 3 districts located in the Keduang Watershed, which are Sidoharjo, Jatisrono, and Jatipurno districts in Wonogiri Regency. Data collection techniques were observation, interviews, and recording. The total cost of farming is Rp. 20,773.581/Ha/Year with the average variable cost of Rp. 19,807,381/Ha/Year and the average fixed cost of Rp.966,200/Ha/Year. The average revunue is Rp.29,464,858/Ha/Year, and the average income is Rp.8,691,277/Ha/Year. R/C ratio of 1.42 indicates that lowland rice farming is feasible.

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