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Paper ID: 70

Online Game-Based Learning on Climate Change: Innovation in the Internationalization of Higher Education

P Wiratama, D G Suharto, and I D A Nurhaen

Dept. of Public Administration, FISIP Universitas Sebelas Maret – Surakarta, Indonesia.


Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is essential for achieving SDG’s goals, including goal 13: take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact. Game-based learning is a promising cutting edge innovation in learning methods. Nevertheless, the internationalization of higher education demanding more technology utilization to enable transnational classes. This study provides a SWOT analysis of the online game-based learning (OGBL) method on clime change issues. Based on the PRISMA guidelines, this study concludes that OGBL has more strengths and opportunities than weaknesses and threats. Strength factors namely flexible, engaging, and enhance the learning process. Opportunities such as emerging academic community and events, developing new professions, and abundance of the development areas. However, there is complexity in game development as a weakness. The varieties of technology savviness levels among facilitators and users and the digital divide are threats to OGBL.

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