Paper ID: 58
Contribution of Bearing Capacity of Land Based on Engineering Geology in Regional Spatial Policy (A study in Semarang City)
P A Wahyudi
Faculty of Engineering, Pekalongan University, Pekalongan City, Indonesia.
The bearing capacity of land is one of the main determining factors for the bearing capacity of the environment, called the supply capacity for the allocation of space utilization, which is determined from the stability of the soil mass forming the expanse of land, namely the geological characteristics of the soil engineering. The bearing capacity of land for the use of space has been based on the land capacity for agriculture and the physical land. There are important things not included in the criteria, namely the land capability in terms of engineering geological characteristics. Research on the bearing capacity of land based on engineering geology characteristics was carried out in Semarang City-Central Java-Indonesia, by drilling and DCP at locations scattered in the Semarang City area. Soil samples from the drill were analyzed for soil characteristic parameters in the laboratory. The data distribution of the bearing capacity of the land and the zoning of the land material was obtained, then a Map of the Distribution of the Bearing Capacity of the Environmental Land of the City of Semarang was compiled. The range of environmental land bearing capacity in Semarang City is 0.201 kg/cm2 – 14,248 kg/cm2, the range of decline is 0 cm – 247.728 cm, the range of decline is 0 years – 5.147 years. This writing is intended to contribute ideas to Spatial Planning policy, especially related to the aspect of land bearing capacity based on engineering geology as a determinant of land capability, as well as an instrument for evaluating spatial use, and the basis for formulating a framework of reference for regional development policies.