Paper ID: 57
Roles of Education Institution in Supporting Agricultural Sector in Brunei Darussalam: A Case Study of Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (Unissa)
K H Basir1*, R Abdullah1 and A Abarahan2
1Faculty of Agriculture, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Jalan Pasar Gadong, BE1310, Brunei Darussalam
2Faculty of Islamic Economics and Finance, Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali, Jalan Pasar Gadong, BE1310, Brunei Darussalam
This study aims to analyse the roles of education institution in supporting agricultural sector in Brunei Darussalam and Universiti Islam Sultan Sharif Ali (UNISSA) as the case study. The main objective of this research is to investigate ways for UNISSA to support agricultural sector. To achieve the objective, we use in-depth interview method, focus group discussion (FGD) with the respective organisation and individuals and reviewing literatures. The result from the interview revealed that the establishment of Faculty of Agriculture, UNISSA has important roles to support the sector. More high impact research are needed such as the production of agricultural input locally and the use of modern technology in farming. These results indicate that education institution has its role in supporting agricultural sector in Brunei. At the same time, local education institution needs to collaborate with countries with best practices such as The Netherland, Singapore and Taiwan.