Paper ID: 50
Risk Analysis on the Improvement of Potable Water Services in PDAM of Malang City
R Rofida and I B Santoso
Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil, Planning, and Geo-Engineering. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Kampus ITS Sukolilo Surabaya.
PDAM Malang has been legally and technically providing potable water through the implementation of Zona Air Minum Prima program. However, there are still some areas that do not meet the requirements of ZAMP. It created the urgency to improve water quality in the entire potable water service area. The elite housing area is considered to be able to pay more for improving the quality of potable water services. However, improving potable water services certainly has an impact or risk. The risk analysis of potable water services with KPBU concept was assessed using a risk mitigation method that referred to the drinking water sector matrix of PT. Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia. Risk analysis included identification, assessment, allocation, and mitigation. Based on the analysis, risks could be managed at pre-construction, construction, and operations stages by the party that would be able to manage to implement appropriate strategies based on the identification of risks that might happen.