Paper ID: 4
The Effect of VP3 Biofertilizer and Its Carrying Materials on the Germination of Six Plants
N Arfarita
Faculty of Agriculture, University of Islam Malang, East Jawa, Indonesia MT. Haryono No. 193 Malang 65144, Jawa Timur, Indonesia
This study is to determine the differences in growth after application of VP3 and its respective basic ingredients (vermiwash and vermicompost) and their pathogenicity effects on the germination of soybeans, mung beans, long yard beans, kale, mustard greens, and green spinach. Research design was observed on plant height, root length, fresh weight and signs of pathogenicity. This study showed that the VP3 biofertilizer inoculation gave better results than other treatments on the parameters of high germination and fresh weight of the plants tested. However, in water spinach plants, the application of VP3 biofertilizer had a significant effect only on the height parameters of the seeds. Provision of VP3 biological fertilizer and each of its carriers did not show any signs of pathogenicity such as necrosis, wilting, root rot or stem rot. This shows that VP3 biofertilizer is potential as a seed treatment and is also known to contain soil-borne disease controlling agent bacteria.