Paper ID: 221
The Analysis of Establish an Environment-Based Tourism Regional-Owned Enterprise in Magetan Regency
A H Juwita, D Prasetyani and Sumardi
Universitas Sebelas Maret
Magetan Regency has natural tourism destinations which can be optimized in its management. The high interest in nature tourism has a negative effect on the environment. environmental degradation is slowly increasing. Nevertheless, the Magetan government must provide services to the community as a public service function; function of development implementation (development function); and the function of protection to the public (protective function). The government plans to establish an environment-based tourism BUMD as an alternative in optimizing tourism management by paying attention to the environment. This study aims to analyze the impact and benefits of establishing an environment-based tourism BUMD in Magetan Regency. The results of observations show that this establishment can provide benefits for internal parties and related parties or sectors.