Paper ID: 200
Potential Medicinal Plants in Sumatra for Haemorrhoids Treatment
P R W Astana*, U Nisa, A Triyono, D Ardiyanto, U Fitriani, Z Zulkarnain and F Novianto
Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Center Tawangmangu, Central Java, Indonesia
Indonesia is known as a country with numerous medicinal plants used for helping the treatment of diseases, including haemorrhoids. However, most of the ingredients are still taken from nature. An ethnographic study of medicinal plants (RISTOJA) showed many plants in several formulas used by traditional healers to treat haemorrhoids. According to RISTOJAs’ data, the study aimed to find potential medicinal plants in Sumatra to be developed and cultivated for haemorrhoid treatment. Several important medicinal plants frequently used by traditional healers were defined using the frequency of citation (FC) and the utility value (UV). We conducted a literature review about its commonly used part, empirical use, benefit, toxicity and cultivation using the electronic search engines including Pubmed, DOAJ, Scopus, and Google Scholar. There were 49 species of plants in 27 families used in herbal formula for haemorrhoids. Based on FC and UV, 11 plants were categorized as important and frequently used plants. Literature review results confirmed Cocos nucifera L., Vitex pinnata L., Psidium guajava L., Areca catechu L., Curcuma longa L., and Kaempferia galanga L. have enough scientific evidence. The parts used from those plants are easy to regenerate and also easy to cultivate. For haemorrhoid treatment, these six plants are potential to be developed and cultivated.