Paper ID: 193
Analysis of the Effect of CO and PM 2.5 Parameters on Vegetation Conditions in the Red Brick Industrial Area, Srimulyo Village, Sragen
T Warsiti1, Sunarto2* and E Lestari2
1Postgraduate of Environmental Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia 57126
2Department of Environmental Science, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia 57126
The activity of the red brick industry that is currently developing in the Srimulyo Village area indeed generates several pros and cons related to CO gas emissions and the particulate matter that is produced. Sragen Regency is one of the destinations with abundant flora diversity. This study aims to identify the analysis of flora and fauna biodiversity in the red brick industrial area and then analyze the effect of the emission value of CO and Particulate Matter (PM) 2.5 on vegetation in the red brick industrial area of Srimulyo Village, Sragen. The study was conducted at 4 point locations for sampling. The method used to determine the value of the biodiversity index is the Shannon-Wiener formula. Based on the calculations, the results of the low vegetation diversity index and low stability were obtained with an average index value of 1.91. The results of this low vegetation diversity index have a correlation with the results of measurements of CO and PM 2.5 gases which exceed the standard thresholds that have been set. Where the average range of CO gas levels is 353.3-844.7 ppm and the average range of PM 2.5 levels is 1928.7-9517.7 µg/m3. Therefore, this study shows that the influence of particulates and CO gas makes the flora diversity index into a low cluster in the red brick industrial area of Srimulyo Village, Sragen Regency