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Paper ID: 182

Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used for Treating Urinary Tract Problems in Eastern Indonesia

U Nisa1*, P R W Astana1, A Triyono1, D Ardiyanto1, U Fitriani1, Z Zulkarnain1, F Novianto1 and W D M Jannah2

1Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine Research and Development Center, Jalan Raya Lawu number 11, Tawangmangu, Central Java, Indonesia

2Magelang Institute Health Research and Development Center, Kapling Jayan Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia


Indonesia is one of the richest country in biological resources that have potential as medicinal plants. Medicinal plants can be an alternative in treating diseases such as urological disease by the people of eastern Indonesia. The study aims to asses the use of medicinal plants for various urological symptoms in eastern Indonesia including of their efficacy and safety based on literature review. This research was conducted by interview method and field survey. The data were collected from traditional health practitioners in eastern Indonesia. Subsequently, the review study to evaluate the efficacy and toxicity of the most cited plants.  Data were analyzed using quantitative tool such as Frequency of citation (FC), the Use value (UV) and Choice value (CV) which carried out descriptively. The results showed a total of 222 plants species belonging to 78 families were identified for treating urological symptoms in east Indonesia. The most prevalent of these was euphorbiaceae family. The species which had the highest value were Orthosiphon aristatus (FC 12.52%, UV 0.31), Sericocalyx crispus (FC 7.80%, UV 0.19) Phyllanthus niruri (FC 6.35%, UV 0.16) were the vast majority commonly used plant species in treatment of urination symptoms. The most common parts used was leaves (44,87%) and herbs (10,66%). The ethnomedicinal flora in east Indonesia are quite diverse for treating urological symptoms. The findings still have lack scientific evidence. It still need further investigation for analyzing phytochemical and other biological components for future drug discovery.

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