Paper ID: 18
Assessment of The Sheep Production Management Systems in Bangun Karso Farm, Bogor, Indonesia
M I Shiddieqy and Priyono
Indonesian Center for Animal Research and Development, Bogor, Indonesia
Sheep farming in Indonesia has a major challenge of low productivity. The demand of domestic market for sheep is increasing over time. This study aimed to assess the production management systems to improve the livelihood of sheep farming. The method was descriptive with case study in Bangun Karso Farm Bogor, Indonesia. Data related to farm management were collected in the farm. Assessment was conducted on farming practices, breeding program and feeding system. The farm keeps fat-tailed sheep (FTS), thin-tailed sheep (TTS), and crossbreed of FTS and TTS with temperate breed. The purposes of sheep farming were fattening and breeding. It has total 374 sheep from various breeds and ages. The sheep that use for breeding were 167 sheep. The result showed that the application of good agricultural practices (GAP) has a major challenge on sustainable resources and waste management. The study suggests an improvement on sustainable practice and application of circularity.