Paper ID: 174
Analysis of the Role of Plant Canopy on Hydrological Systems
F D Dzikrillah1, M T S Budiastuti2 and Sugihardjo2
Department of Environtmental Science, Graduate Faculty, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
High rainfall intensity significantly affects Indonesia’s climate and causes high erosion rates. Land cover conditions greatly determine water degradation in the hydrological cycle. The shape and type of the plant canopy have a significant effect on soil structure and water absorption. This study aimed to examine the role of the plant canopy on the value of the rainwater canopy escape as a supporter of the hydrological cycle. Tree species were determined based on the level of dominance at the study site using the transect method. The dominant trees are Sea Sengon Tree (Paraserianthes falcataria), Teak Tree (Tectona grandis), Suren Tree (Toona sinensis) and Durian Tree (Durio zibethinus). The results showed that high rainfall intensity with a long rain period affected the amount of canopy escape. Suren tree (Toona sinensis) has the highest canopy density with a canopy density value of 0.22, and the Sengon Laut tree has the lowest with a canopy density value of 0.014. The value of passing the canopy of the Suren Tree is lower than that of other tree species. The shape of the canopy of the Suren tree, which is round and oval, also affects the lower pass value of the canopy compared to other tree species. The higher the value of canopy density can reduce the value of canopy escape to support the hydrological cycle.