Paper ID: 166
Policy Issues on Covid-19 Waste: Comparing Indonesia and Taiwan
R A Nugroho1*, A A Rahmawati1, S G Prakoso1,2, I D A Nurhaeni1, A T Kartinawanty3 and H Parwiyanto1
1Public Administration Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl Ir Sutami 36 A, Surakarta
2Institute of Political Science, National Sun Yat Sen University, No. 70 號, Lianhai Road, Gushan District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan
3Faculty of Dentistry, Kebangkitan Nasional No.101, Surakarta
During covid-19 pandemic, the medical waste has been a concern to the sustainability issues. Comparing government awareness is critical to portray the government policy on combating Covid-19 and maintaining environment sustainability at the same time. This paper discuss about how the Covid-19 waste are managed between two countries: Indonesia and Taiwan. The two countries are chosen because of their contrasting condition where the prior has high rate of infection while on the other hand the later have relatively low rate of infection. This study focusses on literature analysis that is available on the Internet using search engine and research database. Specific keyword search such as “environmental policy and Covid-19 and Indonesia and Taiwan” is used in the search engine The anticipated results indicated the significant different on both countries in managing Covid-19 waste. Further results are discussed in the paper.