Paper ID: 134
Current Condition of Agroindustrial Supply Chain Management of Publik Sago Product: A Case Survey of Kepulauan Meranti District, Indonesia
S Elida1,2, A M Amin2, J Sutrisno3 and Darsono3
1Sebelas Maret University, Departemen of Agricultura Science, Graduated, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
2Islamic University of Riau, Departement of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agriculture, Pekanbaru 28284, Riau, Indonesia
3Sebelas Maret University, Departemen of Agribusiness, Faculty of Agricultural, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
Sago-based agroindustry is a mainstay to be able to improve the economy of Meranti islands. Leak of data and weaks communication and market information related to price, quality, quantity, and the type of product the market wants cause sago agroindustry to rely on information from intermediary traders. This study aims to identify and analyze the sago agro-industrial supply chain management. Data was collected by interviews and discussions with stakeholders who have competence in the sago industrial supply chain management. The data was analyzed qualitatively. The results showed that the supply chain management of sago agroindustry consist of sago farmers, tual traders (toke) and sago refinery owners, Harmonis Cooperatives, Individual Distributors, Companies (PD) in Cerebon and Medan. Owners of sago processed household industries, local collecting traders. The Sago agroindustry supply chain system in Meranti Island has not been efficient.