Paper ID: 122
Local Hero in Riau Province while Peatland Fire and Haze Disaster for 1998-2019
M A Yogia1 and G Meiwanda2
1Senior Lecturer, Universitas Islam Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
2Junior Lecturer, Universitas Riau, Pekanbaru, Indonesia
Forest and land fires in Riau Province, have occurred since 1998 until now. The fires that occurred were in peatland areas which are almost planted with oil palm, oil palm plantation company ownership and smallholder plantations. The original regional income (PAD) of Riau Province cannot be separated from the results of the economic value of Palm Oil, but in line with this, plantation land located on peatlands is often burned which eventually expands, supported by peat characteristics that are difficult to extinguish, causing smog and becoming a routine disaster. happened in Riau Province. The Haze Disaster that occurred was felt to the neighboring provinces of West Sumatra and Jambi to neighboring countries Malaysia and Singapore. This article will provide an in-depth analysis of the situational events that occurred in Riau Province from 1998-2019. This research was carried out also supported by a number of publications and secondary data that have been collected so as to show local actors who are the key in tackling the haze disaster in Riau Province, and provide an analysis related to the capacity of local actors who must be responsible for the situation of peatlands planted with oil palm.