Paper ID: 121
Urban Farming: Implementation of Prisoner Guidance in an Effort to Support Food Security Towards Rutan Boyolali Productive
A Listiana1*, Pawito2 and S Hartjarjo2
1Student of Postgraduate Communication Study Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
2Lecturer of Postgraduate Communication Study Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia
Rutan Boyolali as an institution that organizes development activities for prisoners as a social reintegration process that aims to make them realize their mistakes, improve themselves, and not commit criminal acts again so that they can be accepted again by the community, can play an active role in development, and live naturally as good and responsible citizens. The coaching that is being carried out now leads to productive coaching. Through a productive penitentiary, prisoner can participate in national development. One of the efforts to create productive prisons can be done through agricultural activities. However, the location of the Prison which is in the middle of an urban area has the challenge of limited agricultural land. Answering these problems, the solution is to carry out the concept of urban farming. The strategy carried out by the Boyolali Rutan is to make urban farming part of the effort to create a productive prison. Through urban farming, it is hoped that prisoner can become skilled and ready to work when they are free. This concept also can be an innovation and solution in overcoming various problems in prisons. On the other hand, the benefits of urban farming are maintaining food security. The rate of urban development that eliminates agricultural land so that cities are no longer able to meet their food needs independently. Urban farming can support the availability of food and food security itself.