Paper ID: 117
Colonization and Establishment of Exallomochlus hispidus (Morrison) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) from the Field Colony in the Laboratory
M Indarwatmi and I A Nasution
Center for the Application of Isotope and Radiation Application, National Nuclear Energy Agency (PAIR BATAN)
The mealybug Exallomochlus hispidus is polyphagous pest, some of its hosts are important fruits. This pest control research requires laboratory colonies in large numbers and uniform. The purpose of the research was to study the colonization and establishment of E. hispidus from the field colony. E. hispidus was collected from infected mangosteen fruit. Kaboca was put in a plastic container containing mealybugs in the mangosteen fruit. Observations on the number of mealybugs that moved from mangosteen to kaboca were carried out every day for three days. Observations on the life cycle of mealybugs on kaboca were made for 3 generations. The results showed that on the first day more mealybugs moved than on the second and third days. Insects that can adapt from the field to the laboratory were characterized by a shorter life cycle, shorter oviposition period and produce more nymph. The success of laboratory colonization and establishment will support the success of the experiments.