Paper ID: 111
Natural Clay Dye to Develop Eco-Friendly Products Based on Regional Potential in Batik Crafts Center of Jarum Village, Bayat Subdistrict, Klaten Regency
D Nurcahyanti*, N Wahyuningsih and J L Amboro
Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret
Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
This study aims to transfer technology of natural dyeing technique of tradition batik using clay extraction from Bayat, Klaten, Central Java. This is a solution to research partners’ problems related to the limitations of product variation techniques to meet market preference for products with innovation or novelty elements. In detail the partners’ problems include 1) Limited marketing, due to limited market access and marketing efforts for batik products, including promotion, mainly promotions for national and foreign market access. 2) Limited capital, due to low access for capital in financial institutions, especially banks, which is due to the simple management of most batik Small and Medium Enterprises/SMEs, weak guarantee to pay the debt, and business permits, 3) Prices of cloth as raw materials are getting more expensive, due to yarn price which becomes higher, 4) The variety of designs or motifs and batik dyeing are limited due to artisans’ dependence on the orders from customers or batik companies, and the lack of human resources capabilities in terms of design and dyeing, particularly natural dyeing, 5) Most production equipment of batik SMEs is old, so it is risky to damage or too worn; consequently, it affects the quantity and quality of batik products. This study used experimental and trial method. The implementation of natural dyeing techniques using Bayat clay has succeeded to solve the following problems: 1) Increasing the ability of batik artisans in Bayat to easily make varied alternative natural dyes from its local natural resources to expand market share and operating profit, 2) Cost savings or efficiency for producing eco-friendly batik dyeing bu utilizing abundant excellent natural resources to gain real profit for batik artisans, 3) Reduced production waste due to utilizing natural dyes by using simple Liquid Waste Final Disposal Installation for batik. The overall results of the research are expected to be the starting point for a sustainable environmentally friendly business at the Batik Craft Center in Jarum Village, Bayat, Klaten.