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Paper ID: 1

The Use of N HNO3 to Determine Copper and Zinc Levels in Heavy-Metal Contaminated Tropical Soils

A K Salam1*, M Milanti1, G Silva1, F Rachman1, I M T D Santa2, D O Rizki2, H Novpriansyah1 and S Sarno1

1Department of Soil Science Faculty of Agriculture University of Lampung Bandar Lampung Indonesia

2Department of Agrotechnology Faculty of Agriculture University of Lampung Bandar Lampung Indonesia


This research was to study N HNO3 compared to other methods to determine plant available heavy metals in heavy-metal polluted soils. Soil samples from an experimental field treated with industrial waste taken 22 years after amendment were employed to conduct the comparative and correlation study. Soil samples were analyzed for Cu using various methods and planted in a glass house with several plants and analyzed for soil and plant Cu and Zn. The relative strength of the chemical extractants followed the order of N HNO3N HCl > Buffered DTPA ≈ Unbuffered DTPA > M CaCl2N NH4OAc pH 7. High correlation was observed for soil extracted Cu by M CaCl2 or N NH4OAc pH 7 vs Buffered DTPA, N HCl vs Buffered DTPA and N HNO3 or N HCl vs N NH4OAc pH 7, and N HCl vs Buffered DTPA. High correlations of plant and soil Cu extracted by N HNO3 were shown by caisim, water spinach, land spinach, and corn while of plant and soil Zn were shown by caisim, water spinach, land spinach, and lettuce.

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