Paper ID: 94
Self Reliance of Ornamental Plant Horticulture Agribusiness Enterpreneurs in the Covid Pandemic Period in Surakarta
Suminah, Suwarto, Sugihardjo, A Sapja and P Dwiningtyas
Deparment of Agricultural Extension and Communication Faculty of Agriculture of Universitas Sebelas Maret
This research aims to analyze the effect of age, number of workers, length of business operation, empowerment, human capital, business capital, self capital, and production technology, micro- and small-business, culinary and other businesses on MSME performers’ income both partially and simultaneously. T. Based data analysis using multiple regression with OLS (Ordinary Least Squares) and dummy variable, it can be seen that age, number of workers, length of business operation, empowerment, human capital, business capital, self capital, and production technology, micro- and small-business, culinary and other businesses simultaneously affect the income of MSME performer’s income in Surakarta with R2 of 0.4253 and F value of 13.890. Technology use and type of business contribute to the income of employers. Generally, there is a decrease in sale volume and income by 20-50 percent.