Paper ID: 68
Morphological Characterization of Pachira (Pachira aquatica Aubl.)
A N Azizah1, E Yuniastuti2, Nandariyah2, Supriyono2 and I I S Putri1
1Under Graduate of Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia.
2Lecturer of Agrotechnology Study Program, Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia.
Pachira is one of the plants that has a fairly high and promising selling value. Characterization of morphological properties is important so that the pachira (Pachira aquatica Aubl.) germplasm is more efficient. This study aims to study and characterize diversity and kinship in order to obtain information about the characteristics of pachira groupings. Pachira characterization includes qualitative and quantitative characters. Analysis of kinship using the UPGMA method. The results showed that the level of diversity in the morphological characters of pachira 3 districts in East Java reached 0.33. The results of the kinship analysis obtained 4 clusters with a coefficient of 0.74. Group A consisted of samples P1, P3, P15, P4, and P12. Group B consisted of samples P2, P8, P7, P11, P5, P9, P18, P13. Group C consisted of samples P6, P10, and P14. Group D consisted of P16 and P17.