Paper ID: 3
Comparative effects of the combination of Biofertilizer, NPK and mycorrhizal application on maize production system
C Prayogo1, B Prasetya2, N Arfarita3
1,2Soil Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Brawijaya, Jl.Veteran No.1 Malang.
3Faculty of Agriculture, University of Islam Malang, Jl.MT Haryono 193, Malang.
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The use of uncontrolled an-organic fertilizer continuously will degrade soil fertility and nutrients balance. To minimizing those impact, the use of biofertilizer along with an-organic fertilizer is needed to maintain sustainable maize production system. The study was use randomized complete block design with 3 replications with different level of fertilizer application, conducted at University of Brawijaya experimental research station at Jatimulyo-Malang-East Java. The several parameters were measured to examine those effects on soil and crops. The treatments were significantly effects on crop height, leaf chlorophyll indices, leaf area indices, maize yields, and total number and mycorrhizal infection. The best treatment was detected under the combination of 100% biofertilizer and 100% NPK along with the addition of 100% of micro elements while the lowest was observed under mycorrhizal solely applications. There was a positive correlation between chlorophyll, crop height, leaf area and maize yields.