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Paper ID: 29

Digital Comics on Social Media as Environmental Conservation Efforts in The Millennial Generation

S Mataram1, A Purwasito2, S Subiyantoro2 and D T Ardianto1

1Lecturer of Visual Communication Design Departement, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia

2Lecturer of Cultural Studies Doctoral Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia


Millennials are active users of social media, so they get almost all of their information on the platform. One of the content in social media is in the form of a digital comic format. This study will look at the phenomenon of Instagram social media content as an effort to support the environmental conservation movement by the millennial generation. This study uses a case study method on the comic “KOPLING” from the Instagram account @greengnrid. To examine the context of exposure and meaning in the comic, visual content analysis is used. Meanwhile, the response to the work was analyzed from the number of account followers, the number of likes, and comments. The results of this study are the effectiveness of digital comic media and the creation of opportunities for using the media to respond to environmental issues among the millennial generation.

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