Paper ID: 27
Natural Colors of Jolawe Fruit, Bark of Tingi, Jambal, and Tegeran As Batik Coloring (Dyeing)
Sarwono1, Darwoto1 and S Mataram2
1Textile Art Departement, Faculty of Visual Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2Visual Communication Design Departement, Faculty of Visual Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
The research is aimed how to apply allium Ascanicum L. (jolawe, tingi, jambal, and tegeran) used as textile coloring subtance. To apply batik with natural color of jolawe fruit, barks of tingi, jambal and tegeran on the cotton cloth. To dye with the natural color of jolawe fruit, barks of tingi, jambal and tegeran on the silk cloth for batik. The problem solving method in this research includes the problem analysis related to the usage of natural color substances of jolawe waste (cesspool), tingi, jambal and tegeran, the strategy in making product by carrying out experiments (action research) related to the aspects supporting the data collecting and the observation result, technique trial, material and design. Based on the analysis, it can be concluded several things in design visualization in the form of batik designer with the natural color substance of jolawe, tingi, jambal and tegeran, and the obstacles and the problem solving in the whole experiment of batik cloth dyeing.