Paper ID: 23
Co-Design as A Strategy to Improve Ecological Awareness of Communities
A Setiawan
Interior Design Department, UNS, Jl.Ir. Sutami 36 A. Surakarta. Indonesia. 57126
One strategy of communities to easily embrace ecological awareness is by involving directly in the improvement of their environmental quality. This paper discusses the case study research of the co-design process of the neighborhood regeneration project in Kampung Tongkol at the Ciliwung riverbank, Jakarta. This project is carried out collaboratively involving residents of the area and facilitated by ASF (Architecture Sans Frontières) Indonesia. The main important object of this regeneration project is the construction of a self-supporting sample house. This house aims as an ideal model which can be replicated by another neighborhood. Residents are directly involved in the organizing, the design process, to the construction stage. The primary purpose of regeneration is to improve the quality of the residential environment. The principles of sustainable design are employed as the main guidance from the beginning of the process. This study concludes that the final achievement of this project not only results in a higher quality environment but also raises the ecological awareness of the residents of the neighborhood.