Paper ID: 22
Utilization of Coconut Coir Sack Waste Become Eco-Friendly Canvas Material
J A Munib
Department of Visual Communication Design, Faculty of Fine Arts and Designs, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36 A, Kentingan, Surakarta, 57126, Indonesia.
Sack waste is found around us, like waste of sacks and sacks made from coconut coir are usually used by farmers and plantations as sacks for delivery of tobacco, cloves, coffee, tea leaves, etc. Many of us find used sacks made of coconut coir that have been damaged, torn and wasted. Using coconut fiber sacks aims to reduce waste, protect the environment and eco-friendly. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method and with an action and research model. The action model taken is to design works of art and paintings on canvas made of used sacks made of coconut coir. Requires a special technique by coating wood glue to fill the pores of the holes in the sack. The research model was observing to available for waste sacks made of coconut fiber and testing the strength of the sack into canvas and analyzing the durability and service life of coconut fiber against glue and paint.