Paper ID: 208
Infographic for the Dangers of Using Plastic Packaging and Cutlery as a Campaign Effort to Save the Environment in Surakarta Region
A S Widodo1, D T Ardianto1 and B A S Budi2
1Lecturer of Communication Visual Design Departement, Faculty of Art and Design, University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2Student of Communication Visual Design Departement, University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
The Surakarta City Environmental Service noted that the volume of waste in 2021 reached 92,436 tons. Plastic waste accounts for 13.39 percent of the total waste generated in Surakarta City. This can threaten nature sustainability and bear negative impacts on human health. Using infographic media, the Visual Communication Design Study Program held a campaign about the dangers of using plastic packaging and cutlery as an effort to save the environment, especially in Surakarta area. Research and Development method and ADDIE model were used in developing the media. The creation of infographics was carried out in five steps; analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The achieved results are positive attention and response through social media from the younger generation and the emergence of community-based movements that participate in environmental conservation programs.