Paper ID: 195
Private Participation In Establishing A Product Certification Body of Seed and Breeding Stock Poultry In Indonesia
A Sasomo, K Setyowati, R H Haryanti
Departement of Public Administration, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Central Java, Indonesia
The era of global trade is a political system based on international rules and agreements that encourage and stabilize economic exchanges between countries. One of the impacts is the demand for a shift in the role of the government to the private sector. The poultry sector plays an important role in meeting 65% of the need for animal protein consumption in Indonesia. The existence of a product certification body of seed and breeding stock poultry is a tool used in global trade to increase product competitiveness in the global market. Through the application of standards in trade, it is expected to improve the performance of producers so that they can produce quality products, fair competition in trade, and provide protection to the public and consumers. Unfortunately, the existing seed and livestock certification institutions are still fully initiated by the government. Meanwhile, private participation in the establishment of a seed and poultry seed product certification body through public-private partnerships (PPPs) is still far from expectations.