Paper ID: 192
Batik Stamp Canting from Waste Paper Material as A Frugal Innovation in Batik
S R Hidayat, T B Affanti, A I Josep and D Nurcahyanti
Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
. This article discusses the innovation of batik stamp canting equipment using waste paper material. The first focus is on the emergence and the background of the innovation of batik stamp canting made of waste paper material. The second elaborates the concept of stamp batik canting innovation with waste paper material. The method applied to discuss these problems was qualitative approach in the form of case studies using informants’ data sources, artifacts, events and documents. The results of this study indicate that the innovation of stamp canting using paper material has occurred since 2014 which was carried out by Subekhi in Pekalongan, Central Java Province, and it began to be widely used in batik production process in 2016. The background of stamp canting innovation made of waste paper was triggered by the high price of stamp canting from copper which is commonly used in the production process of stamped batik. The concept of the innovation applied in the development of this stamp canting is frugal innovation. The value of knowledge gained from this study is that innovation is not always carried out to improve the quality of processes or products. Instead, innovation is more significantly needed to solve the problems corresponding to the context