Paper ID: 181
Water-Soluble Plastic Utilize as A Medium for The Polyester Patchwork Embroidery Craft Application
K Auliya, A N Sulistyati and D Nurcahyanti
Faculty of Art and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret Jl. Ir. Sutami No. 36 A, Kentingan, Jebres, Surakarta 57126, Central Java, Indonesia
This study aims to describe polyester fabric waste processing as an alternative material for interior textiles. The characteristics of polyester fabric waste meet the qualities needed to be used as the material of interior textile. The problem trying to be solved and described in this study is the effectiveness of using water soluble film paper as a medium for the application of manual embroidery techniques for processing polyester patchwork. This study used experimental and implementation methods on textile crafts. The results of this study show that water soluble film paper can be used as a medium for applying manual embroidery techniques on polyester patchwork which is favorable and does not leave any residual waste or environmentally friendly. This method can be applied to bring out the element of craftsmanship based on the scope of textile craft research. Functional products made using this method are also expected to be able to provide aesthetic value in a room. This study is essential and useful to provide an overview to the community about alternative resources of convection waste from the local area that can be created into new higher value products