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Paper ID: 139

Art Activist: Nature, Culture and Art-Based Environmental Movement


Department of Crafts/Textile Faculty of Arts and Design, Universitas Sebelas Maret


This article discusses the environmental movement carried out by art activists. This environmental movement is important given the increasingly massive and worrying ecological crisis. Environmental damage triggered by the pace of industry that erodes the natural environment. Ecological spaces that should support common life are turned into economic spaces on a large scale which in the process creates environmental degradation.  But without us realizing it, most environmental problems also stem from our lifestyle, our political choices, and our role as consumers.  In this condition, art actors and designers take a cultural role to be involved in the environmental movement.  This cultural role is important considering that environmental issues are close and intertwined with cultural issues. The cultural roles of these art activists can be the starting point for responding to environmental problems by offering creative solutions. Creative solutions that can open up discussion space about the environmental movement as a practice of knowledge, ideology, resistance, and a mirror to look back at the relationship between humans and nature.

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