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Paper ID: 106

The Model of Eco-Friendly Packaging Center to Increase The Competitiveness of MSMES’ Local Products

Y Suherlan1,3 and E Widiyanti2,3

1Faculty of Art and Design, Sebelas Maret University

2Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University

3Study Center forCooperative and MSME Assistance, Sebelas Maret University


Packaging problem is still a weak point for Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) This is due to the lack of understanding of MSME actors about the importance of image, quality, and packaging appearance. This research is a solution to increase the competitiveness of local MSME products in the global market with a focus on the study of identifying internal and external factors that affect environmentally friendly packaging for MSMEs, formulate a strategy to develop a packaging center, and create a model for environmentally friendly packaging development center for processed food MSME products. TheModel of Eco-Friendly Packaging Center is an effort to increase the competitiveness of local MSMEs that provide services as an information center for packaging activities, a packaging material procurement center, an environmentally friendly product packaging service center, a graphic design mediator and packaging form design, and branding.

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