Paper ID: 100
Circle Of Worry Song Video Clip as A Campaign Medium to Save The Environment from Damage
D T Ardianto1, B Riyanto2 and B Fajriani3
1Lecturer of Visual Communication Design Departement, University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
2Lecturer of Visual Communication Design Departement, University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
3Student of Visual Communication Design Departement, University of Sebelas Maret, Indonesia
The Earth Day is commemorated every April 22nd to remind the importance of environmental protection. The environment that sustains our lives is getting weary over time. Using creative collaboration method, a group of filmmakers combined video clips of environmental destruction events and compiled them into a single video clip of a song entitled Circle of Worry to campaign for environmental damage issues in their areas. This video clip is then distributed through social media and online platforms to reach the target audience, especially the younger generation around the world. Through this media, it is hoped that the attention and awareness of the younger generation will emerge to better protect the environment around them.